Alexander Schnabl
Media Technology



Jul. 2024

Diamond law firm

Logo redesign for Magdalena Tober (Diamond).

I redesigned the logo for Diamond Law Firm. The new design features clean lines and a modern look, with a subtle diamond icon to represent the firm's name. This fresh logo aims to improve brand recognition and convey a sense of trust and professionalism.

April 2024

Push your limits

This video was created to demonstrate and improve my motiongraphic skills in Premiere and After Effects.

1. brainstorming and conception: creation of a theme and its elaboration. The elaboration "manuscript" includes the rough staging of the camera work, presentation and voice over text.
2. production of the recordings: The recordings were made in 4k resolution and 60FPS with several takes.
3. video editing: sequence of shots according to the elaborated manuscript and minimal adjustments.
4. voice over: Voice over recorded according to the manuscript itself, in several takes. Background music for appropriate mood and movement in the video.
5. motion: The typography was animated in an appealing way using keyframes.
6. CC and LUTs: Color correction and color grading for authentic video design. Rendering of the finished video without loss of quality.


Creating filming concept
Working with Motion Graphics
Use of LUTs and Color Corrections


"4k" (3840 x 2160)

Used Software

Adobe Premiere (Pr)
Adobe After Effects (Ae)

1 year | Mar. 2022 - Apr. 2023

Diploma Thesis - DigitalMuse

Creating Digital Experience for Town Band

1 / 6
Concept and Big Picture of that diploma thesis
2 / 6
Starting page of the virtual tour
3 / 6
One of many captured 360° images.
4 / 6
Inside of the virtual tour
5 / 6
Concept for the virtual tour
6 / 6
Screenshot of the personalized Cloud for the band

"Stadtkapelle Melk" (short: STKM), a fixed component of the Melk cultural associations, considered how to create another digital form of representing the association through established communication channels such as website, social media, print media. As part of the diploma thesis on the digitalization of city music band, a virtual tour will be created to provide a insight into the life of STKM. The artifacts will be made avaibale through a multimedia archive. Additionally, a digital storage system (multimedia archive) will be created for artifacts and documents with backup security.


virtual tour development
Data safety
Project Management
capturing 360° Images

Deployed at



Stadtkapelle Melk



written documentation

200 sites

Oct. 2023

Austrian armend forces - redesign patch

In the time as private ("rekrut") at my military service, I got requested to redesign their military patch and flag.

It is important to mention that the "military green", the elefant (as a symbol) and these texts has to be the same as the old patch and flag from 1995.

So I designed the elefant with 4 grey-step colours and triangels to implement the CD of the ÖBH. I also repositioned the textes and colours to make it more modern.

Oct. 2021


develop a efficient usability for a sportwatch

1 / 4
The explaination behind the User Interface
2 / 4
Activity 1: Distance display
3 / 4
Activity 2: Progress display
4 / 4
Activity 3: Lap display

The assignment was to deploy a wireframe and mockup of a sportwatch including two or more functions. Mainfocus has to be a simple realisation, which allows a user to simply understand and use that device. It is also important to consider that attributes like weight size, traget-group, button-order, etc. can be a huge inpact on the user expirience.


Design & Layout


IT-HTL Ybbs - School Project


Adobe Xd

Sep 2022


Creating a responsive homepage for a fictional creative agency

Project PicJar

The aim of this CICD group project is to develop a responsive webpage with at least three subpages. The use of skeleton and boilerplate is mandatory.

At first, we clarified for whom the website should be developed, leading to the idea of "PicJar," a fictional creative agency with a focus on photography. To leverage the skeleton framework, there are 12 subdivisions, with the width defined in CSS. For instance, if we want to add a container with six icons, the grid layout only needs to be defined with a row, specifying the width within a range of one to 12:
<div class="row">
This defines, as the classname suggests, a row. To specify the width for a specific container, use the following:
<div class="four columns">
Which allows us to implement the entire responsive layout for the website.


Responsive Design
Working with Frameworks
Create a Coorperate Identity

deployed at

IT-HTL Ybbs - Groupproject
Subject: Media technology - Digital Media

Used technologies

Skeleton & Boilerplate

Used softwares

Adobe Photoshop (Ps)
Adobe Illustrator (Ai)

Jul 2021

Homepage JV-Design

Internship as Webdeveloper at JV-Design

My responsibility was to help design and deploy several CMS based websites for customers of JV-Design. In this particular showcase I was part of the relaunch of the own JV-Design homepage.



deployed at


Apr. 2024

DigitalArt - Bedroom

Setting up a stylistic scenery of a room.



Used Software


Jan. 2024

DigitalArt - Livingroom

learning to create a stylistic scenery of a room.



Used Software


Jan 2023

Fluid motion animation

Getting experience in animation and physics in Blender


IT-HTL Ybbs - School Assignment



Used Software


Nov. 2023


Modernizise the photobooth of IT-HTL Ybbs

The aim of the task was to renovate the school photobooth. As part of the assignment, the solution involved developing an Android app with the video input sourced from a Raspberry Pi Cam. I created a user-friendly wireframe and mockup, which I then implemented using Android Studio (Java). The app is designed to trigger the Raspberry Pi camera to capture a photo. Additionally, through an API, the integrated printer immediately prints the image if the customer chooses to do so.

The concept for the solution has 2 main components.

1. The Android App communicates to the rasp - the user is able to use the photobooth
2. The Rasp is responsible for taking the images, open a WLAN (for the communication with the android app) and the communication with the printer.




Android App


Glide: Loading images from the websever(nginx)
Libvlc: Recives and displays the stream from Raspberry Pi.
Retrofit2: Sends and processes API requests.

Raspberry Pi


API (DjangoRestFramework): Captures picture and Database requests
SQLITE3: Database
Nginx: Webserver via which the images are uploaded to the gallery


IT-HTL Ybbs - school project

Used Technologies & Hardware

Raspberry Pi
Android Studio (Java)
Adobe Xd